"The best classroom and the richest cupboard is roofed only by the sky."
- Margaret McMillian (1860-1931), Education Pioneer
Students from nearby schools enjoy strolling over to Koiner Farm for an afternoon of writing in science journals, observing bees at work, harvesting fresh produce, saving seeds, turning compost, enjoying a farm fresh snack, and assisting their local farmer with farm duties. Koiner Farm is located within walking distance of three MCPS schools (including East Silver Spring Elementary, Sligo Creek Elementary and Silver Spring International Middle), as well as other independent schools and community organizations. In addition our neighborhood schools, small groups of campers, scouts, home-schoolers and others are warmly invited to come and explore our beautiful farm.

Our suggested field trip fees range from $5.00 to $10.00 per student (or maximum $100 for groups of 20-25 students). These fees help us cover program materials and staffing. That said, all are welcome at Koiner Farm regardless of ability to pay. Those who can pay the full suggested amount (or more) help subsidize those who may not be able to pay the entire amount. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, is greatly appreciated! See below to schedule your field trip and make payment.

To schedule a field trip to Koiner Farm, please send an email to kate@ckcfarming.org. Be sure to indicate the number of students and the prefered date(s) and time(s) of your visit(s).
We can host up to 25 students per visit and suggest that you plan for 1.5-2 hours at the farm.
See you on the farm!

To make secure online payment by credit card, please click here. Use the "wite a note" section to indicate the name of your group and the date of your visit.
To make payment by check, please make payable to:
CKC Farming
737 Easley Street
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Thank you!
Before visiting Koiner Farm, please complete our Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form for all participants. As a reminder, Koiner Farm is a working farm with inherent risks, such as bees, uneven ground, old tools, rusty fences and other farm stuff. We do ask that all visitors to Koiner Farm wear closed-toe shoes, stay on the grassy areas and carry-in-carry-out all trash. We offer field trips to the farm year round and as we say, there's no bad weather - just bad clothing - so dress appropriately and we'll have a great time!